Cambria Alliance
Emergency Medical Service
Saving Lives Since 1933

Highly trained, professional, and friendly, Cambria Alliance has a caring and remarkable staff! EMTs are PA-DOH trained, have BLS HCP certifications, ITLS/PHTLS, as well as EMS Vehicle Operator training. Paramedics are trained in ACLS, PHTLS/ITLS, BLS HCP, PALS. Many of our EMTs and Paramedics are even Nationally Registered and many hold additional certifications in EMS as well as college degrees.

Office Staff
Executive Director: William Kline
Office Managers: Joni Adams & Chris Trexler
Board Members
Mike Eckenrode, President/Business Manager
Paul Calandra, Vice President
Jay Smithmyer, Secretary
Jim Leahey, Treasurer
Gary Jubas, Solicitor​
Dr. Darin Adams, Medical Director
Bill Wilkinson
Tom McConnell
Pat McMullen
Ray Osmolinski
Rick Mock
Flo Eberhart
Pre-Hospital Staff - EMTs
Jacob Berger
Chris Daras
Jeff Imler
Lory King
James Kutchman
Nicole Kutchman
Jeremy McIntosh
Karingtin Sklodowski
Paul Sklodowski
Victoria Smith
Patrick Traxler
Jason Whited
Pre-Hospital Staff - Paramedics
Mike Amsdell
Travis Brantner
Casey Creany
Ian Daugherty
Alexandria Dvorchak
Tyler Horn
Travis Mills
Austin Plummer
Greg Spencer
Sarah Stigers
Pre-Hospital Staff - PHRNs
Josh Crawford
Ian Gabrielson